Thursday, May 27, 2010

OH NO prt. 2!

Weather Department of Bahamas predicts the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico might arrive in the Bahamas this weekend, with the variations of the winds that is expected.
Nearly 4 million barrels of crude oil are escaping to the sea surface daily.

A part of the oil spill got into this current a week ago, and is moving describing a sort of curve in the Gulf of Mexico, to go to the Florida Strait towards the Atlantic Ocean. Stubbs said the increase of crude oil in the zone would speed the arrival of black tides to Key Sal, Bimini and Grand Bahama, main points for fishing in the islands.

The situation would get worse with the arrival of the hurricane season on June 1st with predictions of up to 18 tropical storms, five of them really bad.

The impact would be disastrous for the economy, the ecology, tourism and fishing.

My thoughts: This article goes along with the other one I just made, but it has much greater detail, obviously. Again, it would be really upsetting if the oil reaches the Bahamas. I just hope that they are again, able to control it where it is now and the Bahamas will not be affected in any way.




Summary: Oil has reached the Atlantic - headed for the Bahamas.the 'top kill' attempt appeared successful per Coast Guard officials, President Barack Obama spoke at length about the disaster and estimates show that it has cost taxpayers $87 million so far.

My thoughts: I know this article, was not very long. But I think it would be horrible for gas to spread to the Bahamas. The Bahamas right now is building up, and with something like this affecting the people, water, and animals it could bring them down. It is really sad to hear about the animals that get killed and hurt in oil spills. It makes me really upset. I hope the people can reach the oil and get it in all control before it hits the Bahamas.


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Warning signs of violence!


Jamaican Prime Minister Bruce Golding, on Sunday declared a state of emergency in portions of Kingston and St. Andrew after gun battles broke out between soldiers and police on one side and drug gangs on the other. Violence erupted when supporters of alleged drug kingpin Christopher "Dudus" Coke dug in to prevent his extradition to the United States.

Gangs set fire to buildings; looting went on in Kingston; the violence spread to Spanish Town; the major road between Kingston and Montego Bay reportedly was closed off; two policemen were shot and killed; and some of the action took place near the Norman Manley International Airport. These reports coming out of Jamaica are frightening.

There is now a boldness to the criminal element in our region that is unlike at any other period in history. In Grand Bahama on the weekend, following a concert, at 6 a.m. on Sunday, two men were gunned down and killed. It was in South Bahamia, a highly visible area. What's happening in Jamaica and what happened in Grand Bahama are unrelated but they are serious warning signs.

In the Bahamas they are not as fortified with law enforcement agencies as in Jamaica. The supporters of "Dudus" proved to be quite troublesome for the soldiers and police of Jamaica.

My Thoughts:
I hate gangs. I am sorry if you are in one, please do not hurt me. But to fight eachother, and kill one another is not something to be proud of. You can hurt innocent people. Imagine how their families would feel if they're young son or daughter was murdered. :( that would be really upsetting. I think it is a good idea to make people be more aware of their surroundings so they know what is going on.



Seven out of every 10 Bahamians are either overweight or obese.

That figure has been revealed by Minister of Health who told Parliament that the 70 percent of the population includes a significant number of the nation’s youth. The statistic has concern because a number of chronic non-communicable diseases (CNCDs), such as diabetes, hypertension, strokes and heart disease, are by-products of obesity.

Dr Minnis said statistics show that there are a number of Bahamian children at the sixth grade level who are suffering from hypertension as a result of being obese and/or overweight.

He said the passage of the National Insurance (Chronic Diseases Prescription Fund) Act will improve access to prescription drugs and other supplies and help to control the effects of CNCDs.

My thoughts: Pretty soon, our whole world will be filled with fat people. Fat people need to excercise and gain control over their own lives again. If we would stop supplying such unhealthy food restaurants like McDonalds, maybe our world would have a chance! But unfortunately they are making more and more unhealthy restaurants by the day.


Plane Crash :(

Summary: Police said an aircraft has crashed in the waters off the Bahamas and killed both people aboard.
The Piper Aztec took off from Alice Town on Bimini island on the way to the main island of New Providence. It was found submerged in the water 30 feet from Bimini's shore.

Police said Wednesday that the 50-year-old pilot and 36-year-old woman passenger were killed in the crash. Their identities were not released but they are believed to be Bahamians.

Police said a tourist and her toddler son on a nearby beach were injured by the accident Tuesday evening. Media reports said they were burned by flaming fuel that spilled from the plane.

My thoughts: This is very upsetting. Although it is good that there weren't more than two people hurt on the plane, it is still sad that they died. They had a whole live ahead of them. When accidents like this happen, it really is sad.


Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Summary: The Bahamas International Securities Exchange, (also known as BISX) is attempting to use recognition from Great Britain's tax authority as a launch pad to both attract new UK business/fund listings and a similar status with other countries, the development proving there are beneficial spin-offs from signing Tax Information Exchange Agreements, (also know as TIEA).

Keith Davies, BISX's chief executive explained that this status would allow certain securities and investments to obtain many tax-related exemptions from the UK by virtue of listing on BISX as a recognised stock exchange, a feature that could prove very attractive in gaining new business for the Bahamian exchange.

BISX planned to go out and market it, and let people know that we have this designation, Mr. Davies states that,"It's excellent news when you get this type of recognition. It's a validation of things that you're doing. It indicates you're on the right track and of international standard. It's also important for the jurisdiction; let's make that clear."

The BISX chief executive explained that obtaining the HMRC designation has taken a while, the exchange having approached the UK government's chief customs and tax authority over the issue in early/mid-2009. One of the initial issues was the absence of a TIEA between the UK and the Bahamas

My opinion: I honestly do not really understand what exactly is going on, but by the looks of it the Bahamas is on a verge of discovering something that will effect them for the better. Having the Bahamas improving their systems would be a very good thing. I think Bahamas is on the rise.


Monday, May 24, 2010

Bad Weather

Summary: The National Hurricane Center has issued a statement noting the development of an area of bad weather northeast of the Bahamas. The gale, moving slowly toward the north northwest, has a 30-to-50-percent chance of developing into the Atlantic season's first tropical storm, officials said. Here's the satellite loop. And here's more from the hurricane center:

If so, the bad weather could begin to pose the risk of rough surf and rip currents along the southeastern U.S. coastline in the week ahead. Cruise ships leaving Baltimore and points north with destinations in Bermuda or the Caribbean might also encounter bad weather and rough seas en route.'s Joe Bastardi thinks the storm will stay offshore, wandering around off the Carolinas for a time before heading east and out to sea. But he says it will likely send gales and showers onshore.

My thoughts: Storms always make me uneasy. The thought on how tragic they could get, and the lives that they could take makes me sad. Hopefully the storm will pass and the people and the land will be okay. If not, it will be devastating news.


Thursday, May 20, 2010


Summary: At a Bahama Humane Society Shelter they are over flowing with way too many animals! They are in desperate need of homes! They have:

52 Kittens

25 Cats

22 Dogs

25 Puppies and

13 Rabbits

If these animals don't find homes, and since they are not a "no kill" shelter they would have to put down animals just because they can't find a home.

My thoughts: I think it is so horrible that they would put down animals just because there is not enough room! I would feel so sad if I found out the shelters here in Illinois do that. If I lived in the Bahamas I would adopt so many animals! None of them deserve to die.


Dumb Florida College Student...

Summary: A Florida college student has pleaded guilty to assaulting and threatening several officers after a big fight in the Bahamas.

The nineteen year old, Jordan Proffitt told a judge Wednesday that he did not realize he was fighting police because he did not recognize their uniforms.

Sgt. Ricardo Smith says Proffitt, his brother and their father fought with police after Proffitt was thrown out of Senor Frogs for disorderly conduct. Police said he also used racial comments against them.

The brother and father were released shortly after the fight Tuesday night that sent one police officer to the hospital. Proffitt was pleaded guilty to all 11 charges.

My thoughts:
Well first of all, why would you get in a fight? I think fights are really dumb. But to his offense, he was drinking and he was also not aware of his surroundings due to the fact that is oringinally from Florida. Bahamas has a lot of different culture than Florida so I could see where he would be confused.


Goodbye debt!

The Bahamas is expected to reduce its debt by another $80 million in the next year, the minister of state for finance told Tribune Business yesterday, while continuing to seek Technical Assistance Grants for economic and social development.

Zhivargo Laing said, though, that the amount of retired debt could be higher or lower as it is decreased every fiscal year.

"We have a line item in the budget for debt redemption. Almost every year we have an estimate for what debt redemption is, and every year you retire debt," said Mr Laing. "That's why we always talk about the net increase in our debt because while we are borrowing we are also paying back debt."

Mr Laing said the Bahamas can often have a difficult time borrowing from some international lending facilities because of the size of its gross domestic product (GDP), but can often always access technical assistance grants for projects dealing with poverty reduction or environmental sustainability.

Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham, addressing the body of the Governors of the Caribbean Development Bank, said the global recession had delayed planned infrastructure projects across the region.

But as the CDB recently acquired an historic $1 billion in extra funding facilities in the region, the Bahamas has already benefited, signing an agreement for $ 10.1 million loan from the bank on Tuesday.

I think it is very good or the economy that they are reducing their debt. I believe we all should do that to make our economies better. I think we would all benefit. I also think its pretty crazy that they are in so much debt, although I bet the US is worse than the Bahamas.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Miss Grand Bahama!!

On May 16th at the Hilton Outten Convention Center, 24 year old Tempest Stubbs was crowned the new Miss Grand Bahama for 2010/11. Miss Stubbs, a graduate of Bishop Michael Eldon School is sponsored by Mid-Way Electronics.

The conference center was packed with family, friends and supporters who were in such a frenzy with excitement and cheering that the environment felt electric. Miss Stubbs' platform is Respect: Character Development in Females, and she targets young women in the community through an already established program, "Rachel's Daughters."

Remi Henderson 1st runner-up sponsored by SynGAD Services and Rayne Armbrister 2nd runner - up sponsored by Traffic Bahamas.
Cindy Lewis, sponsored by Grand Bahama Bone Fishing Company walked away with the Top Model Award.
Fila Lauren Clothing store won the Fashion Store Award.

Cindy Lewis also won the fitness award. Celina McCardy who is sponsored by CA McCardy Construction won the Friendship Award and Best Costume Award.
Remi Henderson won the Photogenic Award and Popularity Award.
Rayne Armbrister captured the SMS Matrix Bahamas People's Choice Award for most text votes.
The Miss Grand Bahama Beauty Pageant Organization wishes Nikie Severe, 2009 Miss Grand Bahama the best in her future.

I think to win a pageant I would feel honored! To be voted for the beauty and brains would be such a privilege and it would mean so much. I would make my country proud by wearing my tiara!

Da Bankk.

A Bahamas-based bank and trust company has been sued over losses sustained from alleged investments in Bahamian-domiciled investment funds, which invested the bulk of their assets with $50 billion fraudster Bernard Madoff.

Santander Bank & Trust, which is based at the Goodman's Bay Corporate Centre on West Bay Street, has been sued along with other entities and executives in the Spanish-headquartered banking group, by four Cayman Islands hedge funds in relation to investments that were made in Optimal Multiadvisors, a Bahamian-domiciled investment fund, and its sub-funds.

According to the complaint, which was filed in the US District Court for south Florida on March 8, 2010, the Bahamian bank is being sued on the grounds that it allegedly acted as the custodian for the hedge funds' investments in the Optimal structure.
Optimal Multiadvisors was described as a Bahamian Standard Fund that was incorporated as an International Business Company (IBC) in 1995, with its registered office allegedly being the Lennox Paton law firm. The latter is not named as a defendant in the hedge funds' action, and neither is PricewaterhouseCoopers (Bahamas), the funds' auditor.

The hedge funds alleged that the Santander group, which effectively managed the Optimal fund and sub-funds, failed to maintain the 'low risk' investment profile they wanted or properly diversify their investments.

And they claimed that the Santander group failed to spot the numerous warning signs that Madoff was running a Ponzi fraud, even alleging that they attempted to get private banking clients who had invested in Optimal's sub-funds to sign a waiver if they wanted to remain invested.

Alleging that, instead, they were advised to buy more shares in the Optimal equities sub-fund, the hedge fund alleged the 2008 waiver said: "Santander Bank & Trust (Santander Bahamas) has informed you that your investment in Optimal SUS may exceed the concentration limits recommended by the bank, based specifically in the investment profile selected for your account with the bank."

And they were particularly exercised by the $235 million that Optimal and its sub-funds agreed to pay to settle an action brought against them by the Madoff bankruptcy trustee, a sum representing 85 per cent of the claim, which alleged that they received 'preferences' by withdrawing $277 million from the fraudster in the 90 days before legal action was taken against him.

This is bad news! The fact that a popular bank has been sued to fraud will mess up the system. It would really suck if I found out there was fraud at my bank. I would not longer trust it and definitely switch banks!


Above is a picture of Jett Travolta.

John Travolta and Kelly Preston are expecting a new baby! The reason behind so much publicity is their son at age of sixteen just died recently while in the Bahamas due to a seizure. Only a year ago, did this take place that Jett Travolta was killed. They have another daughter, Ella Bleu of ten years old.

I think it is really sad that their son died of just the age of sixteen years old. Thats my age, so to die when there is so much ahead of you is really upsetting. He would have just gotten his license and everything! But if I died, I would also want my family to move on like they did. I would want them to be happy and not be in sorrow for my death. So I think it is a healthy thing that Travolta and Preston are having a new baby!

Monday, May 10, 2010


Mariah Carey and her husband Nick Cannon are planning to celebrate their second wedding anniversary by renewing their wedding vows. This is not the first time that they have done this, where for their first wedding anniversary they had done the same. They get 'remarried' each year which states Nick Cannon, "its our thing."

Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon got married after dating eachother for only six weeks on Mariah's private island in the Bahamas!

I think its really cute that they renew their vows. Maybe not every year due to the fact that seems like too much, but whatever floats their boat! Also the fact that they got married in the Bahamas on a private island makes it all more romantic. The Bahamas is a beautiful place, and to be able to afford a private island would help with paparazzi.


This year, the Bahamas is ranked ninth out of seventy-seven countries in 'best places to be a mother'. The Bahamas moved up one rank from last year. This is ranked on by the well-living and conditions of mothers and their children.

The sections are split up in more developed, less developed, and least developed countries; Bahamas being in the less developed section. Either way, to be ranked in the top ten and moving up is a big upside.

In the United States which is ranked in the more developed section is twenty-eighth which is one decreased than last year. I bet we've been decreased due to the fact that our country is being more and more obese with each McDonald's and fast food restaurants.

I think it is a great oppertunity for the Bahamas to be able to move up in rank to be a part of the 'best places to be a mother'. Even though its in the less developed, its still a great accomplishment. I do think if the United States cared more about our children and our health that we could be ranked way higher than just the twenty-eighth. Hopefully we can approve next year.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

On April 30, a seventy one female guest on a Bahamian cruise ship died in the Bahamas due to a snorkling accident. She was snorkling with the tourists when the accident occured, noone is saying what all exactly went down. Her husband who was not with her during the time, was still on the cruise ship. Her family is devestated that such a thing happened. Funeral services are 3 p.m. Saturday at Trinity Luthern church.

I agree that it is devestating what happened to this lady, but I have also been on a cruise to the Bahamas, and if I had to pick a way to die; I honestly think I would choose to die in the Bahamas. It is such a relaxing, beautiful place as a tourist to visit. I just think it would be very calming to go to when I become such a age.

Monday, May 3, 2010


Since thousands of moviegoers who saw the movie 'Oceans' in theaters, enough money was raised to protect 35,000 acres of coral reef in the Bahamas. The disneynature center works through the Disney worldwide conversation fund to protect 55 square miles of a reef, size is equivalent to more than 412 Disney lands!!!

I think its wonderful that they are contributing back to our society! With this, our world can be a much better place. I'm glad that we have people who care enough to protect our environment. With people likes this, we can conserve the natural beauty our mother nature contains.