Thursday, May 20, 2010

Dumb Florida College Student...

Summary: A Florida college student has pleaded guilty to assaulting and threatening several officers after a big fight in the Bahamas.

The nineteen year old, Jordan Proffitt told a judge Wednesday that he did not realize he was fighting police because he did not recognize their uniforms.

Sgt. Ricardo Smith says Proffitt, his brother and their father fought with police after Proffitt was thrown out of Senor Frogs for disorderly conduct. Police said he also used racial comments against them.

The brother and father were released shortly after the fight Tuesday night that sent one police officer to the hospital. Proffitt was pleaded guilty to all 11 charges.

My thoughts:
Well first of all, why would you get in a fight? I think fights are really dumb. But to his offense, he was drinking and he was also not aware of his surroundings due to the fact that is oringinally from Florida. Bahamas has a lot of different culture than Florida so I could see where he would be confused.


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