Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Seven out of every 10 Bahamians are either overweight or obese.

That figure has been revealed by Minister of Health who told Parliament that the 70 percent of the population includes a significant number of the nation’s youth. The statistic has concern because a number of chronic non-communicable diseases (CNCDs), such as diabetes, hypertension, strokes and heart disease, are by-products of obesity.

Dr Minnis said statistics show that there are a number of Bahamian children at the sixth grade level who are suffering from hypertension as a result of being obese and/or overweight.

He said the passage of the National Insurance (Chronic Diseases Prescription Fund) Act will improve access to prescription drugs and other supplies and help to control the effects of CNCDs.

My thoughts: Pretty soon, our whole world will be filled with fat people. Fat people need to excercise and gain control over their own lives again. If we would stop supplying such unhealthy food restaurants like McDonalds, maybe our world would have a chance! But unfortunately they are making more and more unhealthy restaurants by the day.


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