Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Warning signs of violence!


Jamaican Prime Minister Bruce Golding, on Sunday declared a state of emergency in portions of Kingston and St. Andrew after gun battles broke out between soldiers and police on one side and drug gangs on the other. Violence erupted when supporters of alleged drug kingpin Christopher "Dudus" Coke dug in to prevent his extradition to the United States.

Gangs set fire to buildings; looting went on in Kingston; the violence spread to Spanish Town; the major road between Kingston and Montego Bay reportedly was closed off; two policemen were shot and killed; and some of the action took place near the Norman Manley International Airport. These reports coming out of Jamaica are frightening.

There is now a boldness to the criminal element in our region that is unlike at any other period in history. In Grand Bahama on the weekend, following a concert, at 6 a.m. on Sunday, two men were gunned down and killed. It was in South Bahamia, a highly visible area. What's happening in Jamaica and what happened in Grand Bahama are unrelated but they are serious warning signs.

In the Bahamas they are not as fortified with law enforcement agencies as in Jamaica. The supporters of "Dudus" proved to be quite troublesome for the soldiers and police of Jamaica.

My Thoughts:
I hate gangs. I am sorry if you are in one, please do not hurt me. But to fight eachother, and kill one another is not something to be proud of. You can hurt innocent people. Imagine how their families would feel if they're young son or daughter was murdered. :( that would be really upsetting. I think it is a good idea to make people be more aware of their surroundings so they know what is going on.


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